Trivitron Health Care, a Chennai-based medical technology company, on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding with IIT Madras to set up the Trivitron Innovation Centre, a centre of excellence for biomedical research and development and design on the IIT campus.
The centre will design ‘innovative and cost effective’ medical technology solutions for Indian and other emerging markets. This is the country’s first industry-academia partnership in the $3.3 billion (Rs 15,500 crore) medical technology industry that includes gloves to MRI scanners, according to GSK Velu, managing director, Trivitron Group.
He said the centre would focus on innovations in medical technology, develop new concepts, design ‘unique’ products and aim for patents. The alliance will begin with design and development of medical devices for use in critical care, renal care, lab diagnostics and imaging diagnostics.
MS Ananth, director, IIT Madras, said the initiative would help students get a deeper insight into the medical technology market. The centre would draw resources from all the core departments of the institute.