Two human rights activists have been arrested here by the West Bengal Crime Investigation Department for their alleged links with Maoists and PCPA top brass in Lalgarh. Gana Pratirodh Committee secretary Raja Sarkhel and state secretary of the same human rights organisation Prasun Chatterjee were picked up from their residence in Jadavpur in the southern part of the city last night.
"We have evidences of Sarkhel and Chatterjee's involvement with Maoists and PCPA leadership. The duo have been booked under the provisions of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act," DIG of CID (Operations) Ajay Ranade said. Sarkhel and Chatterjee, who were also the members of the Lalgarh Sanhita Mancha, were allegedly involved in providing financial aid to the tribal movement in Lalgarh that has been continuing for the last 10 months, CID officials said.