The new IITs will come up in Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. "We are seriously considering both the proposals," said a highly place source at the HRD ministry.
"For Himachal Pradesh we may go for Hamirpur. However, for Madhya Pradesh there is little technical hurdle but that can be worked out."
On May 30, the ministry had finalised three IITs at Orissa, Punjab and Gujarat. They are in addition to the ones coming up at Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar. Each IIT will have 120 seats, the source said.
The mentor IITs for Punjab will be Delhi IIT, while for Gujarat it would be IIT Mumbai and for Orissa it is Kharagpur IIT.
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For Himachal Pradesh, the mentor IIT will be Roorkee. Mumbai IIT was supposed to mentor Madhya Pradesh IIT, but it expressed its inability.
"It is true that Mumbai IIT has expressed its inability to mentor Madhya Pradesh IIT because it has the responsibility of mentoring IIT Gujarat beside managing its own centre. So the difficulty is there but we are trying to work it out," said a senior official in the ministry.