Two days after returning to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), firebrand leader Uma Bharti is meeting her old colleagues to revive the long lost love between them. On Tuesday, it was the turn of Arun Jaitley, Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, with whom she was said to have an uneasy relationship during her earlier stint in the party.
As Jaitley arrived at the BJP office on Ashoka Road and was surrounded by journalists who wanted to know about the future plans of the BJP, he announced that journalists would have to excuse him for five minutes because his ‘old sister’ was coming to meet him.
Soon after, Bharti stepped in his room, filled with party workers and journalists.
Stressing on the word five, Jaitley again asked journalists to step out of his room for five minutes as he wanted to talk to Bharti. However, the former Madhya pradesh chief minister asked journalists not to leave the room.
Bharti has been entrusted responsibility of Uttar Pradesh, which goes to polls next year.
While trying to break the ice between them, Bharti asked for Jaitley’s blessings before she starts her work in Uttar Pradesh and the ongoing movement to save the Ganga. Both Jaitley and Bharti hugged each other and Jaitley placed his hand on her head as a sign of blessing.
Even as the two leaders were trying to revive ties, the office boy, who was busy offering tea, forgot to offer tea to Bharti. Known for not taking things lying down, Bharti immediately pointed out that she was not offered tea as if she was invisible.