Taking India's concern on board, NAM countries today vowed to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations while making it clear that terror should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilisation or ethnic group.
The issue of terrorism figured prominently in the 15th NAM Declaration which pushed for early finalisation of the draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism mooted by India at the United Nations.
The 118-member grouping pledged to strengthen NAM solidarity in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whomsoever committed, in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter, international law and relevant international conventions.
The Sharm El-Sheikh Summit Declaration stressed that terrorism should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilisation or ethnic group and that further progress was required taking into account the positions and views of NAM members on issues like formulating a joint organised response of the international community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.
The document takes on board the call made by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to NAM countries that it was time they agreed on a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism.
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In his forthright speech at the plenary session of two-day summit, Singh made it clear that terrorists and those who aid and abet them must be brought to justice. Though he did not name Pakistan, it was clear from Singh's remarks who it was aimed at.
Singh said terror infrastructure must be dismantled and there should be no safe havens for terrorists because they do not represent any cause, group or religion.
The declaration said the NAM countries stood together with China and the Group of 77 countries to press for fundamental reform of the international economic and financial systems and architecture to address its flaws which have come into spotlight in the wake of the global financial crisis.
"We commit further to enhance the voice and participation of developing countries in international decision making and norm setting, including in international financial institutions," it said.
The document said in all such steps taken to respond to the crisis, it must be ensured they were not taken at the expense of developing countries.
On the expansion of the Security Council, the declaration sought the "expeditious" reform of the top UN body.
"The expeditious reform of the Security Council through through its expansion and improvement of its working methods should continue to be a priority for NAM taking duly into consideration the views of all NAM members state," it said.
On sanctions imposed on some NAM countries, the declaration rejected them as "unilateral" which also was in contradiction with international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
The declaration sought to ensure food security for all the member states of the NAM and promised to work with the UN and its agencies to decisively deal with the short, medium and long term actions needed, including the need to address trade and agricultural related aspects within the current negotiations in the Doha round.
On the issue of climate change, it vowed to strengthen the political momentum in preparation for the Copenhagen conference in December in a manner that reflected the views of the NAM countries with regard to issues like mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer, capacity building and shared vision.
To shape a comprehensive UN energy agenda, the document said the NAM countries would work for the creation of an effective mechanism to transfer advanced energy technologies to developing nations with the aim of achieving the Millennium Development Goals and dealing effectively with the challenge of climate change.
On disarmament and international security, the NAM declaration said that member nations will continue to promote them on the basis of "equal and undiminished" security for all, bearing in mind that total and complete nuclear disarmament remains the "only" route to establish a world free from nuclear weapons.
It also noted that NAM members had taken into consideration the issue of nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects and the "inalienable right" of all states to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
"We will thus engage constructively with concrete actions towards the implementation of the unequivocal undertaking by the nuclear weapon states, as well as the recent statements made by leaders of some nuclear weapons states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals and work towards realising a world free of nuclear weapons...," it said.
On the issue of self-determination, it said NAM nations will continue to uphold the fundamental and inalienable right of all peoples including all non-self governing territories to guarantee universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
On the situation in the Middle East, it said that the NAM nations firmly supported the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of their independent, contiguous and visible State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The declaration stated the NAM's demand to Israel to comply with relevant Security Council Resolutions and withdraw fully from the occupied Syrian Golan to the line of June 4, 1967 and to withdraw fully from the remaining Lebanese occupied land.
Taking note of the outbreak of pandemics, including the outbreak of H1N1 in parts of the world, the declaration called for maximising the support for NAM countries from the World Health Organisation and other agencies in building their response capacity to confront the diseases.
The declaration said NAM nations will continue to promote the full implementation of all commitments by the international community to address the special needs of Africa.
It also called for the full implementation of the outcomes of major UN conferences and summits in the economic and social fields and the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
The NAM declaration also backed enhancing dialogue among civilisations and religions so as to reduce confrontation, enhance dialogue, promote respect for diversity based on justice, fraternity and equality.