US President Barack Obama today assured Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that the UNSC resolution asking non-NPT states to sign the Non-proliferation Treaty is not directed against India and that his country would fulfil all obligations on the nuclear deal.
"We have been assured (by the US) that this is not a resolution directed against India and that the US commitment to carry out its obligations under the civil nuclear agreement, which we have signed with the United States, remains undiluted," he told reporters wrapping up his two-day visit here to attend the G-20 Summit.
"That (commitment on nuclear deal) we have been assured officially by the United States Government," Singh said.
He was replying to a question about the UNSC resolution asking all non-NPT states, including India, to sign Non-proliferation Treaty.
Asked whether he had any bilateral meetings with Obama, the Prime Minister said the US President did not have bilateral meetings with any leaders because of paucity of time.
"But last night I met him and today I was seated to his right during lunch. I discussed some important issues with him," Singh said.