The US House passed the most sweeping health-care legislation in four decades, rewriting the rules governing medical industries and ensuring that tens of millions of uninsured Americans will get medical coverage.
Yesterday’s 219-212 vote marks the biggest victory for President Barack Obama, who will sign the bill into law. Only Democrats voted for the legislation, underscoring a partisan divide that promises to make health care the defining issue in November’s congressional elections.
Lawmakers hailed the action as a historic follow-on to the 1965 creation of the Medicare program for the elderly and a way to mitigate soaring health costs that make up a sixth of the US economy. It came after a last-minute deal with anti-abortion Democrats and a lobbying trip by Obama to the Capitol.
“It’s a victory for the American people,” Obama told reporters at the White House just before midnight. “This legislation will not fix everything that ails our health-care system but it moves us decisively in the right direction. This is what change looks like.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described passage as “history for our country and progress for the American people.”
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To finish their work on health care, House Democrats approved a Senate bill passed in December and then voted 220-211 to pass a measure that would amend the Senate legislation to fix provisions they don’t like. The Senate must also pass this second bill under a budget process called reconciliation that requires a simple majority vote.
While Senate Democrats plan to act this week on the second bill, they face a host of challenges from Republicans that may hold up their work or force a new vote in the House.
The two bills together will cost $940 billion over 10 years and cover 32 million uninsured Americans, the Congressional Budget Office estimated. That’s more than made up for with a new tax on the highest earners, fees on health-care companies and hundreds of billions of dollars in Medicare savings, which will reduce the federal deficit, the CBO said.
As part of the overhaul, drugmakers agreed to help the elderly more easily afford medicines. Insurers, which opposed the legislation, will have to take all customers, regardless of pre- existing conditions, and face limits on how much revenue can be spent beyond covering medical expenses.
“WellPoint is disappointed that after more than a year of debate, Congress has approved health-care legislation that does little to reduce cost and improve quality,” company spokeswoman Kristin Binns said in an e-mail to reporters.
Under the bill, Americans will have to buy insurance or pay a penalty, with the possibility of tapping new purchasing exchanges and government aid for lower-income Americans.
Republicans said the costs will balloon, criticized the increases in government programs and held out the possibility that private insurance and medical care would be hurt.
“We are looking at a health-care bill that nobody in this body believes is satisfactory,” House Minority Leader John Boehner said prior to the vote. “We have failed to reflect the will of our constituents.”
Business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, also lobbied against the legislation, and Peoria, Illinois-based Caterpillar Inc sent a letter to leaders saying the bills would raise its costs by $100 million in the first year alone.
The House’s two-step process became necessary after Democrats lost the 60th vote in the Senate generally needed to push through major legislation.
Just weeks after the Senate’s party-line 60-39 vote, Democrats were almost finished drafting a House-Senate compromise bill when Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown won a January 19 special election to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Democrat Edward M Kennedy.
The use of the budget-reconciliation tool opens the door for the Senate to pass the second bill with 51 votes, as long as it can withstand Republican challenges and the rulings of a parliamentarian, who will take out any provision he decides have only an incidental impact on the federal budget.