Visakhapatnam Port has taken up five projects with an outlay of about Rs 1,575 crore. These projects would be ready by December 2013.
Speaking to mediapersons here today, Vizag port chairman Ajay Kallam said the port was upgrading its facilities not only to enhance the cargo handling capacity but to also reduce the pollution levels significantly. The mechanisation of the coal handling facility on the general cargo berth would be ready by June next year.
“About 50 per cent pollution is generated in the port area at the time of handling of coal and iron ore. The port is creating mechanical handling facility which would substantially bring down the pollution levels,” he said.
The port is spending Rs 444.10 crore on mechanisation of coal handling facility, Rs 636 crore to develop EQ-1 and EQ-1A berths for handling thermal coal and steam coal with fully mechanised means, Rs 275 crore on mechanisation of iron ore handling facility in inner harbour and Rs 218 crore on mechanisation of fertiliser handling facility in the inner harbour.
The projects would also increase the cargo handling facility by 8-10 million tonnes, he pointed out. During last fiscal, Vizag port handled 60 million tonne cargo.