West Bengal Labour Minister Purnendu Basu today said he would ask police stations in jute mill areas to introduce patrolling duties during change of shifts at the mills to prevent any untoward incidents. Basu, who held a meeting of the trade unions of 52 jute mills affiliated to INTTUC, said, "The police stations will be asked to do patrolling around the jute mill areas to prevent unfortunate incidents like North Brooke."
The CEO of North Brook Jute Mill was allegedly lynched by its workers on Sunday sending shockwaves in the industry circles.
Basu said he had asked INTTUC members not to resort to militant trade unionism and to maintain peaceful industrial relations in the mills and factories.
The minister said he had also spoken to Trinamool Congress chief whip in the state assembly, Sobhandeb Chatterjee to convene a meeting of MLAs representing constituencies where the jute mills are located. The department had also called another tripartite on June 25, he added.