Though anti-Maoist operations by the central security forces and the police launched on June 19 in Lalgarh in West Midnapore district have not been as successful as desired, the West Bengal government would carry on with it. "Though initially we had some success, it was not up to our expectations. So we have changed our plans. We are going to succeed, though it might take some time," Home Secretary Ardhendu Sen told PTI.
"The ground reality in Lalgarh and its adjacent areas including Purulia and Bankura districts, besides Jharkhand, is that the problem is showing very little sign of receding till now," he said.
There were 17 companies of central forces in Lalgarh working in close co-ordination with the state forces, he said, while another 10 companies have been sought, Sen said. "We have asked for another 10 companies from the Centre. Our DGP is meeting Union Home minister P Chidambaram," he said. "The central forces will stay for an indefinite period till the problem of Lalgarh is resolved," Sen said.