Billed as the most ambitious project in post-Independence India, the $100-billion Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) has been plagued by project abandonments, land acquisition issues, and delays. With things starting to pick up pace over the past couple of years, DMIC Chief Executive Officer Alkesh Sharma talks to Sai Manish about the rationale behind abandoning some projects and innovative approaches the DMIC is adopting.
Why are the big gas-based power plants envisaged in the DMIC abandoned?
Planning on the DMIC started in September 2011, when a decision was taken to set up the DMIC Investment Trust. The planning of power plants started when the
Why are the big gas-based power plants envisaged in the DMIC abandoned?
Planning on the DMIC started in September 2011, when a decision was taken to set up the DMIC Investment Trust. The planning of power plants started when the