Tamil Nadu deputy chief minister M K Stalin on Sunday laid the foundation for the first phase of the 62.3-km outer ring road project, covering Vandalur to Minjur. The estimated project cost, including Phase II, is around Rs 1,082 crore.
Speaking at the function, Stalin said the width of the ring road would be 122m and the first phase would stretch from Vandalur to Nemmilichery, a distance of 30km. The government is already in the process of acquiring land for the second phase, which would run from Nemmilichery to Minjur.
Stalin also inaugurated several works of the highways, municipal administration and public works departments, including the inauguration of a bridge over Buckingham canal, a flyover at Porur Salai, the Pattabiram-Tiruninravur bridge in Tiruvallur district and the high-level bridge over Cooum river connecting Mogappair and Nerkundram. Additionally, he attended the ribbon cutting for the new municipality at Avadi and the new out-patient ward at government hospital on Poonamalee High road.
Stalin said the government had widened 10,720 km of highways in the past four years, while only 3,059 km of highways were widened during the previous regime.