Paddy procurement started in Chhattisgarh today with the state government setting a target to purchase 7.2 Million Tonnes (MT) of produce from the farmers.
Following the ensuing state assembly elections, the process started with a dim note as the model code of conduct had been in force in the state that goes to the polls in two phases in November. The paddy procurement would continue till February 15.
The state-run Marketing Federation (MARFED) would be the agency to procure paddy from the farmers. The federation would do the job through the 1333 primary cooperative societies constituted at the village level for the purpose. In all, 1970 procurement centres had been set up in the state.
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"On the first day (today), about 900 quintals of paddy were procured in eight districts that started the process," a senior official with the MARKFED said. The reports from the other districts were awaited, he added.
The state government had set a target to procure about 7.2 MT of paddy in the kharif marketing season 2013-14. In the last season, about 7.1 MT of paddy was purchased by the government from the farmers. According to officials, paddy worth about Rs 9000 crore was purchased last year.
The state government spent another Rs 1926 crore to pay bonus to the farmers, who received Rs 270 for a quintal of paddy that they sold. Following the election code of conduct, the bonus amount could not be declared this year but the state government had announced it would pay it later.
The farmers this year would be entitled to get Rs 1345 for a quintal A-grade paddy while those selling common grade would get Rs 1310 for a quintal.
According to agriculture department officials, the target set for the paddy procurement could be achieved without problem as the state was expected to produce bumper paddy crop this year. They added that about 10 MT paddy yield was estimated in the state of which 7.2 MT would be purchased by the government.