Congress leader Siddaramaiah today made fresh charges of corruption against chief minister B S Yeddyurappa. He alleged the BJP government, led by Yeddyurappa, has looted the state off Rs 50,000 crore through illegal mining of iron ore and denotification of land in the last three years.
Siddaramaiah, leader of Opposition in Legislative Assembly, told reporters that Yeddyurappa and his immediate family members are continuing with the major part of the illegal activities. He added that they have caused an estimated loss to the state exchequer to the tune of Rs 50,000 crore.
He said that he was in possession of various documents which has evidences of various corrupt activities of the chief minister.
Siddaramaiah alleged that Yeddyurappa and his family members amassed wealth to the tune of Rs 176.79 crore which has a market value of Rs 642.23 crore.
He further alleged that the chief minister and his family were evading income tax to the tune of Rs 339.54 crore.
Siddaramaiah claimed that Yeddyurappa and his family members have set up 11 companies to receive various kinds of illegal gratifications. He said, he would meet the Union finance minister soon to press for an investigation into the various illegal activities being done by the chief minister.
Yeddyurappa is already facing serious charges of corruption and has been fighting some cases in various courts. The Opposition party Janata Dal (Secular) led by former chief minister H D Kumaraswamy has been coming out with a series of exposes against Yeddyurappa of establishing a direct link between his children and many illegal activities like land denotification.