Commerce Minister Anand Sharma on Saturday dared the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to file an affidavit against Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, over his alleged land deals instead of using these as a political tool.
Sharma also slammed Gujarat chief minister and BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi for his government's move to allot thousands of acres to industries at throwaway prices.
After meeting state Congress leaders, Sharma said Vadra was an individual and it was not the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance government's policy to benefit any person.
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Sharma was responding to criticism from a section of BJP leaders over the manner in which Vadra had entered a slew of land deals.
PIL for CBI probe
A public interest suit has been filed in the Delhi high court for a court-monitored Central Bureau of Investigation probe into various land deals allegedly entered into by firms in which Vadra has interests and grant of licences to change land use of purchased agricultural plots in Gurgaon in Haryana.