Call it a superstition or call it their desperation to succeed, politicians flock to astrologers for advice all the time, more so, when the elections are knocking on the door. 'What time should I file the nominations, which seat should I contest from, what are my chances of winning', are some of the most asked common questions.
For obvious reasons, astrologers and astrology websites are definitely making hay this election season. Sample this: popular astrology website has seen the number of queries grow five-fold in the last three months to about 100 politicians seeking counsel from them every month now, from a meagre 15-20 queries a month around six months back.
And why not, the website had correctly predicted in one article, "The unnatural tie-up between Congress and AAP doesn’t look set to last long. The period between February 2, 2014 and April 15, 2014 will be extremely sensitive for this alliance and “Breakup” is also foreseen." Arvind Kejriwal resigned from the post of Delhi chief minister on Friday, February 14.
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In India astrologers often do the task of a shrink; and the country has an obsession about knowing what the future holds for them. Our politicians are no exception. Political leaders are known to take oath of office at a seemingly auspicious time prescribed by an astrologer such that the planets conspire to ensure a long and stable tenure at office.
If one thinks that selecting a constituency from where to contest polls is a matter of strategy that depends primarily on factors like demography, a political party's influence in the area, a contestant who has local influence over the electorate, you might be wrong. Numerology can be a matter of equal strategic importance. Many candidates who are aspiring to contest the Lok Sabha polls 2014, are keen to know the auspicious seat, from where they should contest, such that their chances of winning are higher, claim astrologers. For all you know, more than making campaign rounds in one's constituency, a politician might rely more on chanting 'mantras' suggested by an astrological guru.
Meena Kapoor, chief executive officer,, said, "Queries from politicians have gone up three to four times in recent months. Especially, people who were in our patronage, have suddenly become very active. They come with confidential queries. Many who have not been allotted seats so far, are seeking our advice." Astrologers are also privy to strategies that a politician wants to adopt to enhance his chances during the elections. Hemang Pandit, founder managing director and chief executive officer of said, "They do share their strategies with us, and ask for advice. However, since we are not experts on political strategy, we offer our suggestions and predictions primarily based on their 'kundli'."
Often, these websites are the third or fourth opinion that these politicians are seeking, first they prefer to go to their trusted 'Gurujis'. "They are resourceful people, and do not mind splurging some more money on another round of advice, or a remedy like a 'yantra' or a 'mantra'," said the owner of one such website.
One of the most known names in Indian astrology, Bejan Daruwalla, puts it rather bluntly, "Today, everyone is hungry for power, money, status. The easiest way to access all three is politics. For seasoned politicians, it is their money and reputation which is at stake. Therefore, before investing, they would obviously check twice." He, himself is attending to around 300 queries from politicians every month.