With Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Yadav giving weightage to family over party loyalists in ticket distribution, long-time aide Ramkirpal Yadav on Saturday resigned from all party posts. Ramkirpal Yadav was denied the Patliputra seat, and had to make way for Misa Bharti, Lalu Yadav's daughter.
Ramkirpal, however, said he is still in the party "as of now." Speculation is rife that he could be headed to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) leader Ramvilas Paswan (the new ally of the BJP) did not lose the opportunity to take a jab at Lalu Yadav by extending an invitation to "friend" Ramkirpal.
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Lalu Yadav, meanwhile, made it clear that Misa would not be vacating the Patliputra seat.
Ramkirpal Yadav is currently a Rajya Sabha member and a three-time Lok Sabha MP from Patna. He said he was still in the party and has not quit the Rajya Sabha. Accusing the party of betraying the principles of social justice, he alleged it was now interested in "family justice".