Actor Vinod Khanna, the BJP candidate from Gurdaspur Lok Sabha seat, today filed is nomination papers, declaring assets worth Rs 66.92 crore which includes a fleet of seven cars.
Three-time MP from Gurdaspur, Vinod Khanna's asset size increased by around 90% since 2009 Lok Sabha polls when it was worth Rs 35.15 crore.
The 68-year-old Bollywood actor is pitted against Punjab Congress president Partap Singh Bajwa.
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Khanna declared movable and immovable assets, including that of his wife and two daughters, at Rs 31.21 crore and Rs 35.71 crore, respectively.
The actor-turned politician owns seven cars worth Rs 1.24 crore-- Reva (Rs 4.02 lakh), Volkswagen Passat (Rs 27.55 lakh), BMW 520D (Rs 39.21 lakh), Altis (Rs 14.52 lakh), two Innovas (Rs 25.03 lakh) and Mahindra XUV (Rs 13.46 lakh).
Among other movable assets, Khanna has shown investments in mutual funds and equity of companies like Reliance Infrastructure, Godrej Consumer Products, Suzlon Energy etc valued at Rs 7.37 crore.
His wife Kavita Khanna has made investments in bonds and shares worth Rs 6.10 crore.
Khanna has extended a loan of Rs 23.25 lakh to his actor son Akshaye Khanna.
Though he does not have any farmland, he has declared non-farm land in Tareli village in Pathankot worth Rs 1 crore.
He has also declared 2,508-square-feet residential property at Malabar Hill in Mumbai worth Rs 30 crore, property at Kalyan worth Rs 5.50 lakh, a farmhouse at Poynad village in Raigad district of Maharashtra worth Rs 4.25 crore and a house in Pathankot worth Rs 41 lakh.
Among other assets, Khanna has shown a pager worth Rs 377, editing machine worth Rs 5,142 and a mobile phone worth Rs 33,271.
He has declared liabilities to the tune of Rs 1.22 crore.
Claiming to be a 'film artist', the three-time MP has shown his income as Rs 98.82 lakh for the year 2012-13.
Khanna lost the last Lok Sabha battle against Bajwa in 2009 by a margin of 8,342 votes.
Vinod Khanna has been MP on BJP ticket in 1998, 1999 and 2004.