After it suffered a crushing defeat in the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls, Congress general secretary in-charge of the state Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday said party workers and leaders worked hard but failed to convert that into votes, and asserted that the Congress would continue to fulfil its duty as a combative opposition.
Despite an aggressive campaign pitch by Priyanka Gandhi, the Congress failed to make an impact in the polls and won one while was leading on another out of the 403 assembly seats.
"The vote of the people is paramount in a democracy. Our workers and leaders worked hard, established the organisation, fought on the issues of the people. But, we were not able to convert our hard work into votes," Priyanka Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi.
"The Congress party, for the betterment of UP and the people, will continue to fulfil the duty of a combative opposition by following a positive agenda," she said.
(Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)