Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Saturday said the ‘Modi factor’ was writ large across the country during the first phase of the elections, and multi-cornered contests in several states favoured the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
Taking a shot at Congress President Rahul Gandhi, he said, “One day the focus would be on the BJP candidate’s educational qualification, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi’s academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered.
After all, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree.” Observing the verbal battles between the Left, Trinamool Congress and the Congress,
Taking a shot at Congress President Rahul Gandhi, he said, “One day the focus would be on the BJP candidate’s educational qualification, fully forgetting that a public audit of Rahul Gandhi’s academic credentials may leave a lot to be answered.
After all, he got an M.Phil without a Masters degree.” Observing the verbal battles between the Left, Trinamool Congress and the Congress,