Profit before depreciation and tax was up by 3.58 per cent at Rs 8.67 crore against Rs 8.37 crore in the corresponding quarter last year.
The rating agency reported that its bottomline has risen by 8.06 per cent to Rs 4.56 crore. This is after providing for depreciation of Rs 1.54 crores and tax of Rs 2.57 crores.
For the half year ended September 30, 2003, total income stood at Rs 34.10 crore against Rs 32.54 crore (4.77 per cent), while net profit rose by over 11 per cent to Rs 8.21 crore (Rs 7.37 crore) against the corresponding period of the previous year.
Crisil stated in a press communique that its rating business continued to be satisfactory, in spite of continued sluggishness in capital investment, coupled with a preference for foreign currency borrowings.