Icra has started rating the Rs 60,000 crore healthcare industry, which is expected to provide information both to the users as well as the insurance industry. |
On the anvil, Icra also proposes to grade educational establishments in terms of professional institutes. |
Icra executive director Amul Gugna said the rating agency is looking at the Indian healthcare industry in a big way. |
"Quite a few hospitals and healthcare providers have been rated below H2 minus (-)", he added. H2 indicates that the institution has resources and processes that can deliver high quality of care. |
ICRA has completed grading seven to eight hospitals in Calcutta, New Delhi, Pune and Bangalore. These include CMC Valor (rated H1) and Rajebahadur Hospital & Research Centre (rated H2-). |
ICRA's healthcare grading methodology evaluates the capability of the institution concerned to deliver quality care from the user's (patient's) perspective. |
None of the reputed hospitals have come to Icra for assessment, said Gugna, adding: "Middle market hospitals are more interested because their names are not as yet recognised or known." |
A healthcare institution with a higher grading would have a relatively better care infrastructure and processes. |