Nashik divisional office of Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has set the target of selling 5 lakh policies with the first premium of Rs. 500 crore in the current FY 2009-10.
“In the FY 2008-09, Nashik Divisional office sold 4,03,356 policies with the first premium of Rs. 290.74 crore. We are eyeing Rs. 500 crore first premium business by selling 5 lakh new policies in the current FY 2009-10,” said Rajesh Bharadwaj, Marketing Manager, Nashik Division, LIC at a press conference.
By August 14 in the current fiscal year 2009-10, the Nashik Divisional office has sold 86,858 policies with the first premium of Rs. 56.92 crore. In settlement area, total 1,42,511 claims were settled in the fiscal year 2008-09 and Rs. 317 crore were paid under the settlement.
Nashik division comprises 4 districts of Nashik, Dhule, Jalgaon and Nandurbar. In Nashik division, LIC has 20 branches, 4 satellite branches. The total number of policies serviced by Nashik Division at present is 33 lakh.