The mutual fund (MF) industry grew nearly 41% in FY07 to Rs 3,26,328.47 crore as against Rs 2,31,045.38 crore in FY06. With this, the industry has now grown around 142% since March 2004 when its assets under management (AUM) stood at Rs 1,34,839.01 crore. The AUM of the industry dipped 7.47% in March 2007 from Rs 3,52,686.53 crore in February. Reliance MF topped the chart with an AUM of Rs 46,306 crore followed by ICICI Prudential (Rs 37,869 crore), UTI MF (Rs 35,488.24 crore), HDFC MF (Rs 28,357 crore) and Franklin Templeton (Rs 22,018 crore). |