The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Monday set up a standing external advisory committee, which will evaluate applications for universal banks and small finance banks (SFBs). The committee has five members, with former RBI deputy governor Shyamala Gopinath as the chairperson.
Other members include Revathy Iyer, director, central board, RBI; B Mahapatra, former executive director, National Payments Corporation of India; T N Manoharan, former chairman, Canara Bank; and Hemant G Contractor, former MD, State Bank of India, and former Chairman, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.
The panel will have a tenure of three years. “The secretarial
Other members include Revathy Iyer, director, central board, RBI; B Mahapatra, former executive director, National Payments Corporation of India; T N Manoharan, former chairman, Canara Bank; and Hemant G Contractor, former MD, State Bank of India, and former Chairman, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.
The panel will have a tenure of three years. “The secretarial