The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday fined three banks for violating various rules set by the central bank. It fined Axis Bank on two separate counts, and Uco Bank and Syndicate Bank on one count each.
In a notification on its website, the central bank said Axis Bank did not comply with its rules on collection of account payee cheques and on classification and reporting of frauds. The central bank fined the bank Rs 2 crore. On another count, the central bank found the bank non-compliant with the rules on detection and impounding of counterfeit notes, and
In a notification on its website, the central bank said Axis Bank did not comply with its rules on collection of account payee cheques and on classification and reporting of frauds. The central bank fined the bank Rs 2 crore. On another count, the central bank found the bank non-compliant with the rules on detection and impounding of counterfeit notes, and