The rupee rose on Thursday after Reuters reported the government was in talks to include Indian debt in global bond indexes, a move that could boost dollar inflows .
The partially convertible rupee closed at 61.36 a dollar, compared to 61.94 on Wednesday. The unit moved in a wide range of 61.32 to 62.23 during the session. Domestic shares closed up 0.12 per cent on gains in blue chips such as Tata Motors and Infosys.
Bonds maintain uptrend
Government securities (G-secs) maintained their uptrend on persistent buying from banks and companies. The 7.16 per cent G-sec maturing in 2023 surged to Rs 91.79 from Rs 91.57 on Wednesday, while its yield eased to 8.42 per cent from 8.46 per cent.
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Call money rates ended lower at the overnight market on Thursday due to lack of demand from borrowing banks. The rates ended lower at 8.95 per cent.