State Bank of India (SBI) on Wednesday reported a 55-per cent year-on-year (YoY) rise in net profit to post its highest quarterly profit of Rs 6,504 crore during April-June (first quarter or Q1) of 2021-22 (FY22), compared to Rs 4,189.34 crore in the year-ago period.
The country’s largest lender beat Street estimates as a result of a rise in non-interest income and dip in provisions.
Bloomberg analysts had estimated a net profit of Rs 5,855 crore in the reporting period.
Shares of the lender closed 2.37 per cent higher on the BSE at Rs 457.05 after the
The country’s largest lender beat Street estimates as a result of a rise in non-interest income and dip in provisions.
Bloomberg analysts had estimated a net profit of Rs 5,855 crore in the reporting period.
Shares of the lender closed 2.37 per cent higher on the BSE at Rs 457.05 after the