The indefinite strike by employees of State Bank of India (SBI) entered its second day today over the demand for an enhanced pension package, but the agitating staff had to move away from the bank premises following an order by the Delhi High Court.
Bank unions claimed that over two lakh employees, including officers, joined the strike to demand 50% of last drawn salary as pension.
Following the Delhi High Court order restraining the employees from staging protests within 500 metres of any branch of the bank, unions have shifted their protest to Samtasthal in New Delhi.
Bank unions issued circulars to their members across the country to follow the court order, All India SBI Staff Federation vice president V K Gupta said.
The staff started the indefinite strike yesterday after a reconciliation meeting between employees, management and the union finance ministry at the office of the minister of state for labour Chandrasekhar Sahu failed yesterday. Another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
All India SBI Staff Federation secretary Profullo Kumar Patnaik said the strike would continue until their demands are met.