Under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), around 1.9 million accounts had been opened in Chhattisgarh with State Bank of India (SBI) taking lead by sharing about 30 per cent of the new accounts.
According to state government officials, 1904000 new bank accounts had been opened across Chhattisgarh till November 20. The state had set a target to open 2.5 million more bank accounts in the coming days under the scheme. All the bank accounts are opened with zero balance.
The chief minister, Raman Singh had taken a review meeting to note down the progress. He directed the officials to launch a special campaign in the state for opening bank accounts under the scheme.
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Of the total accounts opened in the state, 975977 bank accounts had been opened in rural area while 928291 accounts had been opened in urban area.
All the 27 public sector and 14 private sector banks in Chhattisgarh are engaged in the scheme.
The SBI, which had been made the nodal bank for implementing the scheme, had taken lead by opening 548758 bank accounts under the PMJDY in Chhattisgarh. It had been followed by Chhattisgarh Gramin Vikas Bank that had opened 476569 accounts since the scheme started some three months ago.
The ambitious scheme of the Narendra Modi government was launched on August 28. The main features of the PMJDY scheme include Rs 5,000 overdraft facility for Aadhar-linked accounts RuPay Debit Card with inbuilt Rs 1 lakh accident insurance cover.