2nd Joint Working Group on Aircraft Carrier Technology Cooperation (JWGACTC) meeting between India & United States concludes in New Delhi
The 2nd meeting of the Joint Working Group on Aircraft Carrier Technology Co-operation (JWGACTC), constituted under the auspices of the Indo US Defence Trade and Technology Initiative, was organised in India from 15 to 18 Feb 16. An 11 member delegation of the US Side, headed by Rear Admiral Thomas J Moore, Program Executive Officer, Aircraft Carriers (United States Navy), visited various defence/ industrial installations in India including the Shore Based Test Facility at Goa, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bengaluru and Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), Kochi. The delegation also visited the first Indian Indigenous Aircraft Carrier being constructed at CSL. The concluding session of the Joint Working Group Meeting was held on 18 Feb 16 at New Delhi and was co-chaired by Vice Admiral GS Pabby, Controller Warship Production and Acquisition and Rear Admiral Thomas J Moore, Program Executive Officer, Aircraft Carriers (United States Navy). During this meeting, various aspects of cooperation in the field of aircraft carrier technology were discussed and a joint statement signed.
The meeting was attended by members of the Joint Working Group and relevant representatives from IHQ MoD (N), HQIDS, DRDO and Ministry of External Affairs, India.