The Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Dr Mahesh Sharma informed the Lok Sabha today that eleven AAI airports have improved in service quality from 4.14 in Quarter-I (Jan-Mar, 2014) to 4.24 in Quarter-II (April-June, 2014) and 4.32 in Quarter-III (July-Sept, 2014) on a 5- point scale against world average of 4.04, 4.06 and 4.07 respectively. Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Survey is carried out by Airport Council International (ACI) on quarterly basis. Kolkata Airport improved its Airport Service Quality score from 4.42 (41st rank) in Quarter-II to 4.66 (27th rank) in Quarter-III and was top amongst the AAI Airports. Kolkata Airport also received ASQ Award in best improvement category in Asia Pacific Region by ACI for the year 2013.
Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Survey is carried out six monthly at 53 AAI airports by an independent agency engaged by Airport Authority of India as per MoU with Ministry of Civil Aviation. The weighted average score of CSI has improved from 4.16 in Round-I (Jan-June 2014) to 4.23 in Round-II (July-Dec. 2014) on a 5- point scale. In ASQ/CSI Surveys, parameters are rated on the scale of 1 to 5. Wherever the scores are low, airports are advised to improve upon the standards.
Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Survey is carried out six monthly at 53 AAI airports by an independent agency engaged by Airport Authority of India as per MoU with Ministry of Civil Aviation. The weighted average score of CSI has improved from 4.16 in Round-I (Jan-June 2014) to 4.23 in Round-II (July-Dec. 2014) on a 5- point scale. In ASQ/CSI Surveys, parameters are rated on the scale of 1 to 5. Wherever the scores are low, airports are advised to improve upon the standards.