Approval for GSAT-17 communication satellite and launch services
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for building of the GSAT-17. This is a communication satellite, weighing about 3425 Kg, for providing replacement capacity and in-orbit back up. The GSAT-17 spacecraft project will require a total budget of Rs.1013.20 crore including launch services. All heritage proven bus system will be used to build the satellite in a period of 30 months. The satellite structure will be similar to the GSAT-10 satellite.
The GSAT-17 will provide replacement capacity in different frequency bands and protect operational services.
The GSAT-17 spacecraft will also augment and support existing telecommunication, television and VSAT services in the country, apart from providing in-orbit redundancy for societal services. This would, therefore, benefit all sections of society. The footprints of the GSAT-17 spacecraft would cover the entire mainland of the country.
The proposal to build the GSAT-17 is part of the Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) efforts towards protecting the services of existing users and also building in-orbit spare capacity to meet contingency.