As per Census 2011, there are 2.68 crore person with disabilities out of which about 1.50 Crore are male and 1.18 crore are female. State-wise population of persons with disabilities is:
a | b | c |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | 2266607 |
2 | Arunachal Pradesh | 26734 |
3 | Assam | 480065 |
4 | Bihar | 2331009 |
5 | Chhattisgarh | 624937 |
6 | Delhi | 234882 |
7 | Goa | 33012 |
8 | Gujarat | 1092302 |
9 | Haryana | 546374 |
10 | Himachal Pradesh | 155316 |
11 | J&K | 361153 |
12 | Jharkhand | 769980 |
13 | Karnataka | 1324205 |
14 | Kerala | 761843 |
15 | Madhya Pradesh | 1551931 |
16 | Maharashtra | 2963392 |
17 | Manipur | 54110 |
18 | Mizoram | 15160 |
19 | Meghalaya | 44317 |
20 | Nagaland | 29631 |
21 | Odisha | 1244402 |
22 | Punjab | 654063 |
23 | Rajasthan | 1563694 |
24 | Sikkim | 18187 |
25 | Tamil Nadu | 1179963 |
26 | Tripura | 64346 |
27 | Uttar Pradesh | 4157514 |
28 | Uttarakhand | 185272 |
29 | West Bengal | 2017406 |
30 | A&N Islands | 6660 |
31 | Chandigarh | 14796 |
32 | Daman & Diu | 2196 |
33 | D& N Haveli | 3294 |
34 | Lakshadweep | 1615 |
35 | Puducherry | 30189 |
Total | 26810557 |
As per Census 2001, 49 percent of persons with disabilities are literate, out of which graduate and above constitute 3 percent. Moreover, only 34 percent of persons with disabilities are employed as per the 12th Plan Working Group Report.
As per Section 2(t) of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, 1995, Persons with Disabilities means a person suffering from not less than forty percent of any disability as certified by a medical authority.
This information was given by the Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha here today.