"Dignitaries on the dais, my colleagues in the Council of Ministers, Captains of Industry, and my friends here and abroad where this programme is running simultaneously.
First of all I would like to apologise as I can see that many business leaders could not find a place to sit in the auditorium, I apologise to you for this inconvenience. One of the reasons for this inconvenience is that this auditorium is not used to such gathering.
I was listening to all the business leaders. Our Minister also discussed the works done in recent times; major initiatives were presented before you by a film also. After listening and hearing so much I don't think that there is a need for me to convince you any further for 'Make in India'.
What happened in years gone by? Whomsoever I met in last two three years, everybody said that we have to leave, have to shift business from here have to shift industry from here. I never saw anything political in that nor planned to take any political mileage out of it. It used to hurt me. What has happened to my country that my own countrymen are compelled to leave?
Today, when I have brought this 'Make in India', I don't want that any industrialist or any entrepreneur should feel compelled to leave. That situation has to change. I speak from the experience of past few months that circumstances have changed. People in industry had lost self-confidence. They felt that they will not be able to face competition and had no way out. When a person loses self confidence it is very difficult to prop him up again. Secondly, his trust was broken - 'you never know what policy will the Government bring, never know when what policy will change, when will CBI come knocking'. This is what I have heard from you people.
It is a must that there should be rule of law. There should be an atmosphere of corporate government responsibility on the lines of corporate social responsibility. But at the same time there are responsibilities of government.
Just now Devesh ji was saying that money does not come by invitation only. I agree with that. The biggest requirement is trust, confidence. I don't know how we have run our country that we have doubted our own countrymen at every turn. I need to change this vicious cycle. We should not start from distrust, we should begin with trust and government should intervene only if there is some shortcoming. When we take such decisions people think that this is no grand vision. Now a day, I am often hearing and reading this. When my government decides about self-certification you may feel this to be a very small decision. There cannot be bigger decision than deciding to trust the authenticity of 125 crore countrymen. You have always doubted him, he certifies and you tell him to get certification from a gazetted officer. And what does gazetted officer say - if it is urgent give me this much, and if you have time then that much. Can't we trust our own countrymen? After all who is government for? Government is for common people, for every citizen. And this beginning of change does not stop here. It goes up to Income Tax Department also. As business community is sitting here I am talking of Income Tax Department.
I mean that it is the mantra of my Government, our first commitment- we want to move while trusting every citizen. This atmosphere of trust has the strength of changing the system. It is not that change can be brought only by making laws within the walls of Parliament. Outside too flow of change can be brought by awakening the hearts of every person.
These days FDI is in discussion and it is natural. I look at it slightly differently for Indian citizens also FDI is a responsibility, for 125 crore Indians, FDI is a responsibility. For entrepreneurs and businessmen of the world FDI is an opportunity. When I say that it is a responsibility for every Indian an opportunity for outsiders then my definition for FDI for Indians is - First Develop India. And to global business developers, I say India is an opportunity. For FDI we can move ahead on the journey of progress by taking this twin definition. There is a talk in the entire world, quite a mouth watering one, that India is a huge market. On first look this feeling is natural. I am not an economist but the industrialist, who considers India to be big market, has he ever thought that what is the purchasing power of that market. What is the purchasing power of the citizen, has it gone up? Even if the number of people is high, without purchasing power and pocket with no depth, the world will fritter away this opportunity. Therefore, I would like to tell the global industries that don't consider India to be just a market. You should see every Indian citizen for his potential. The faster the bulk of Indian middle class increases, the faster people move from poverty to middle class, the faster will be their conversion into a favourable market for the world.
What needs to be done to increase the bulk of middle class? Straight answer is that opportunities for employment will have to be made available. If you come from outside and don't bother about industrial development, manufacturing sector and don't create employment opportunities, this loop will never complete. That is why, when we talk of Make in India, we are not just offering a competitive situation. When we talk of Make in India, we give you an opportunity to create a huge market for your product. After all, handsome buyer is equally important as cost effective manufacturing. You may produce as many Maruti cars but nothing will happen if there is no buyer.
For this, we need to bring some changes in Indian economy. In this change, on the one hand, manufacturing growth is to be promoted, at the same time we need to ensure that direct benefit goes to the youngsters of India. He should get employment so that there is improvement in the economic situation of even the poorest family. These poor should move towards middle class and there purchasing power should improve. This will lead to manufacturing growth and growth of the market.
This is a cycle. And important measure has been taken to move this cycle forward. This is a lion's step. Lion's step - Make in India. When I talk of it and I am speaking from my Chief Ministers experience, industrialists don't come due to some fancy incentive scheme. One can say you will get this or that, will make this tax free or that tax free. Incentives don't work. We need to create development and growth oriented environment. This is government's responsibility. People in government, financial institutions need to concentrate on all these systems. Then only investor will have a sense of security. Investor first wants security of his investment. Growth and profit come later. He doesn't seek profit the first day. For profit, he has other 50 companies. Government's effort is, we have taken continuous measures; we want to reassure you that your money will not sink.
Secondly what more does he want? These days there is a ranking for ease of doing business. Recently I met World Bank Chairman. He was also expressing this worry. Probably we were 135th in the world at that time. What hinders ease of doing business? If we have to come to 50 from 135 then Government alone can do this. If Government brings transparency in its decisions and rules, pushes works with simplicity we can occupy number 50 from 135 in ease of doing business. I have sensitized my entire team and I have asked whether we are not placing obstacles in the name of scrutiny and more perfection? On the basis of my three months' experience I can say that my entire team in the Government, my entire bureaucracy is moving two steps ahead of me in this positive thinking. Why is this an strength? He is convinced that this opportunity has come his way and he does not want to lose this.
Entire world is looking towards Asia. I don't need to waste time in inviting, I just need to make some efforts in giving the address that this is the place. He is ready to come. Entire world is ready to come. They just don't know where to come in Asia. Then he thinks where is democracy, where is demographic dividend, where is demand in huge quantity? If these three are available in any part of the globe then this will be India. All three are available together and being used positively. If we use democracy, demographic dividend and demand properly then I am sure that there will be no need to give India's address to the world. Many Vasco da Gamas will appear in every nook and corner and will come looking for India. He needs effective governance. Just government is not sufficient but a feeling of government is needed. If somebody comes knocking, he should feel that his problem will find a solution here or he will get guidance on what route to take - effective governance. I am not talking of just good governance I am also talking of effective governance. There is a need to emphasise two important pillars.
If industries are to be established then skilled manpower will be needed. This skilled manpower should be as per the requirement. If there are possibilities for textile industry somewhere and if we are doing skilled development for engineering then neither engineering skilled person will go there for job nor will the textile industry be helped. We have to do the mapping and we are doing. What are such clusters where there is natural potential of this sort? How to do human resource development for that potential? How to handle environmental issues there and on what points government should decide its foundation for sustainable growth? And if we are doing this then the effective governance can be obtained through skilled development.
Today, is there any synchronisation between the thinking of government, academic world, industry and the thinking of job seeking youngsters? I am sorry to say - No. We may want to develop tourism. But we may not have a system of developing guides in that village. Guide would be taught somewhere in Tamil Nadu and Taj Mahal would be in Agra. I mean to say that these are small things. If we do these focussed activities then circumstances may change.
Academic world should study that what kind of industry is possible in coming 20 years. If the entire world is focussed on eco-friendly environment technology, global warming then it flows that solar energy field has opened. If the solar energy field develops, then engineering college will get training for solar equipments. There will be requirement of skilled labour in the field; for that training may begin now itself. Solar related entrepreneurs should be informed of these arrangements, there is barren land near Barmer, come and establish solar power plant and give light to India. Government needs to facilitate in this networking exercise and when government becomes facilitator, desired results are obtained. Therefore, how to promote skilled development; we want to proceed with the model of public-private-partnership in this area.
If industrialists feel that industry needs certain type of trained manpower, we will say that take this ITI and train the manpower locally according to your needs. You will get a good worker for your industry and our ITI will start running. Our youngsters will get employment, his family will be strengthened and better purchasing power will help the economy. We need to push such a cycle. And perhaps that is why I have brought the issue of Ashok Chakra. How this can become a wheel in the journey of our economic development?
At the time of industrial revolution, we were lagged behind as we were slaves. Before that we were known as Golden Bird. That opportunity was lost. Now, a new era of economic regeneration has begun and that belong to Asia. It is our responsibility that how to make it belong to India.
Our greatest strength that 65% population is below 35. I don't believe that after yesterday's event, anybody will question our talent. No one can question talent of Indian youth after yesterday's Mars achievement. Everything was indigenous. We should bring out photographs of the factories where these small parts were manufactured. In these seemingly small factories, every particle was manufactured that made Mars Mission successful. There is no dearth of talent. Mars success should be made an opportunity to make the world aware of Indian talent. It is not just that 65 % of the population is below 35, it is the fact that we have talented and capable manpower.
Second point is Digital India. Corporate world, industrial world and private life is moving fast with digital world. If government and official system lags behind, I can imagine how wide chasm will be created. Entire social system on one side and government on the other. We have taken up the mission of Digital India to bridge this chasm. Why not entire governance should go towards mobile governance.
You will be surprised that in my first ten days I asked 'please tell me why there are 10 pages in the forms filled in Government. You must be filling those forms, not you; your staff members must be doing it. I told them on the first day that make it one page and I am happy many departments have done it. There is no reason, all these things are available. We keep on demanding again and again. I mean to say that like ease of business, we also need easy and effective governance. Every person should have his details on the tip of his fingers. These are the things which enable us to move forward.
For a long time Look-East policy is under discussion, everyone is talking about it. This is a good occasion, along with Look East, I would like to talk about link-West. Look-East is on one side and Link-West on the other and we are linking the both from the middle. We can establish our economic structure on a new platform from here. Whatever is the best in the world, why we should not have it? This should be the mood of the nation.
New avenues of business are opening. Please note down my words. I do not know what you have thought. May be some small companies must have thought of it. In the coming days there is big business opportunity in India of creating wealth from waste. We wish to take the work of solid waste management and waste water treatment forward through public private partnership. By generating electricity from waste, garbage of the village you can sell electricity by becoming owner of electricity factory. This big revenue model is coming. We should start thinking I have seen that those who do forward thinking.....many big multinational companies came out to sell vegetables. Because they knew how big is the market. Similarly big companies are likely to come for this wealth from waste. The cleanliness movement that we have started will open many new opportunities. I am inviting interested entrepreneurs. Even small municipalities should come with this revenue model. We invite you.
Opportunities are many, Infrastructure sector is also important as manufacturing sector is important. Now India cannot be run on that infrastructure if we have to reach our desired destination. Earlier, when there was talk of infrastructure, it was over with discussion on Rail, road, port and airport. We have to move towards next generation infrastructure. We need highways similarly we need 'Iways' too. When I say 'Iways', I mean information ways and that is for digital India. If there are electric grids, we need gas grids and water grids too. We also need optical fibre networks. We are dreaming of an India where private sector has ample opportunities to try their luck.
How do we update ourselves from where we are presently on Public Private Partnership? How to go into unchartered areas? We kept our focus confined to port development. Demand of the time is to move towards port led development. With ports there should be cold storage network, roads, rail, and an airport with port. Unless all this develops as a cluster, we can't make a place for ourselves in the global market. Hence we wish to emphasize that. This is one big area where you can try your luck. Point is that infrastructure is not an issue of just luxury. If we have to develop tourism; it is estimated that tourism is the industry with the highest growth. Can India capture it? The tourism needs huge infrastructure. There is a big scope for hospitality industry, There are so many avenues, how to harness them?
That is why I submit, whosoever thought of going away; I say no need to go anywhere. This country is yours, thrive here then think of stepping out, there is a different joy in that. There is no joy in going under compulsion. I want Indian companies to become multinational. Indian companies should have their arms elsewhere too. We want this. But we should strengthen our land. We must take steps to give employment to our youngsters. And this is a Government dedicated to development. For this government this is not a political agenda but an article of faith. That is why; I share my belief with you. When I was in Gujarat I used to say with confidence- same officer, same government, same office, same file and the same people, despite this world can be changed. I can say that after coming to Delhi also. The same office, officers, cars, files, and even ways of functioning, still they can be enlivened. India's direction can be changed. India's destiny can be changed. I move forward with this confidence.
One of the biggest obstacle in our journey is this that if a decision is made by the centre most of the implementations are taken care of by the states. If there is lack of understanding between the two, the industrialists is at loss whether to go to Delhi or to the State Government. He remains confused. Now, this confusion will no longer be there. I believe that states' development is for India only. If investment comes in the States, it comes in India also. States and Centre should work collectively, shoulder to shoulder as a team. If centre gets a proposal then centre should go to the State on its own and ask how we can help together. If a State gets a proposal that needs Centre's help the State should come to the centre without any hesitation, they should find solution together and things move forward. This great need has come up, to meet this, Centre and the States will have to come together.
We often talk of current account deficit, export-import imbalance. Just ask any State, have you done any activity for export promotion- none. They think it to be the job of the centre. Immediately after coming to Delhi, I called the States. I told them that manufacturing is with you. Please bolster their confidence so that they can feel like exporting, Government of India's rules and policies could be utilized by him. If we will work together, the Industrialist will feel empowered and he will sell abroad. Is the External Affairs Ministry is of any use to him He is sitting in some remote corner of a State making oil engine. Who is bothered? He is living by his hard work. Now, whether it is the State or the Centre, as a facilitator of export, we have decided to take up this role aggressively and pro actively. Now, see what difference will it make! If we say 'Make in India', we are ready to stand with you as a facilitator to capture global market. There are many fields like this.
We called financial institutions. See how change comes. Recently we took up the movement of connecting the poorest of the poor to a bank account, keeping in mind inclusive growth. Not that it was not done earlier. Initially people said it was done during our time, not any longer. Because they realise that by saying so it will be revealed that they failed. You can imagine that Bank people opened four crore accounts in such short period. I had said that the accounts could be opened with zero balance. I am amazed that people have deposited 1500 crore rupees. If despite a zero balance offer, people deposit 1500 crore during opening of accounts, this indicates trust. This is the power of trust. Banking sector people moving with such speed can become a standard for the Government moving so fast. Financial Institutions should also get involved in the growth and development. World spread at grass root level, we are making efforts to take this journey ahead in every corner.
I mean, today 'Make in India' is not a mere slogan or an invitation, it is our responsibility. If we move forward with determination, world will come looking for us, have faith. For this we need to stress both FDIs. 'First Develop India' at the same time 'Foreign Direct Investment.
All of you took out time for this and got associated with us at the time of such a big initiative. Many guests have come from abroad too. In many countries of the world and all States this is being live telecast by embassies and business chambers. There also people are participating. I assure you that we collectively fulfil our responsibilities in this concept of 'Make in India'. We move ahead and attain new heights in manufacturing sector and provide jobs to poor youth of India. With employment poor will give new momentum to the wheels of Indian economy. With this belief, best wishes to all. Navaratri wishes to all.
In my personal life, in my political journey too today is very significant. Today is 25th September, Birth Anniversary of Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, who ideas and thought inspired us to begin our political journey. Who gave Integral Humanism philosophy to the world. On the birth anniversary of such a great man, who lived and strived for the country, I have got the chance to dedicate Make in India in feet of such a man. We are determined to fulfil that dream.
Navratri is a festival of 'Shakti Sanchay' (strength accumulation). On this occasion of 'Shakti Sanchay' , India should also do Shakti Sanchay and become a powerful nation. Move forward with this dream, with this prayer, my best wishes to all.
Thank you.