Environment Ministry Holds Ninth Meeting of National Steering Committee on Climate Change
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change held the ninth meeting of the National Steering Committee on Climate Change (NSCCC) here today. The Committee approved the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) on adaptation submitted by governments of Telangana, Mizoram, Jammu & Kashmir, Meghalaya and Chhattisgarh for funding, under the National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change (NAFCC) at a total cost of approximately Rs. 108 crore for implementation in these states. The salient features of the projects are given below:
I. The project for Telangana titled Resilient Agricultural Households through Adaptation to Climate Change in Mahbubnagar district, Telangana is at a total cost of Rs. 25 crore for four years. The overall objective of the project is to enhance the climate resilient agriculture for improving livelihoods. The project is expected to benefit more than 2000 farming households of Mahbubnagar district, Telangana state (30% to 50% of the overall beneficiary under the project will be women), small and marginal farmers, in particular.
II. The project from Mizoram titled Sustainable agriculture development through expansion, enhancement and modelling in the state of Mizoram" is at a total cost of Rs. 10.95 crore for three years. The overall objective is to enhance resilience of agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries through development and application of improved production and risk management technologies.
III. The project from Jammu & Kashmir titled Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture in Rainfed Farming (Kandi) Areas of Jammu & Kashmir involves a total cost of Rs. 23.86 crore for four years. The project envisages a reduction in the agricultural vulnerability of farmers in water stressed rainshadow zones through promotion of appropriate cropping system, rainwater harvesting and recycling, appropriate irrigation and water saving facilities, integrated farming system building soil resilience combined with integrated nutrition management with special focus on micro-nutrients and institutional interventions. The project is expected to benefit approximately 2500 farming families particularly small and marginal farmers.
IV. The project from Meghalaya titled Spring-shed development works for rejuvenation of springs for climate resilient development in the water stressed areas of Meghalaya is at a total cost Rs. 23.98 crore for four years. The project seeks to maintain and improve the integrity of the natural water bodies. The project interventions will help in reducing the surface runoff of rainwater in the spring-shed areas, promote deeper water percolation, and rejuvenate the water table. The project is expected to benefit approximately 16, 494 households.
V. The project from Chhattisgarh titled Climate Adaptation in Wetlands along the Mahanadi River Catchment Area in Chhattisgarh submitted by Government of Chhattisgarh is at a total cost of Rs. 24.95 crore for four years. The project aims to promote water conservation and demand side management as a major adaptation strategy, while improving local livelihood. About 1,500 farmers would be switched from commercial farming to climate smart agriculture practices. About 7000 families are expected benefit from this project.
The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Secretary, MOEFCC, Shri Ashok Lavasa.