Extension of Scheme for E-assessment to Hyderabad and Kolkata during the Current Financial Year 2016-17
Paperless assessment/ e-mail based assessment on a pilot basis was commenced in the financial year 2015-16 in non-corporate charges of five cities i.e. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai. The e-mail based assessment scheme has now been extended to two more cities, namely Hyderabad and Kolkata during the Current Financial Year 2016-17. It shall now be open for all the taxpayers assessed in these seven cities, whose cases have been selected under scrutiny to opt for being scrutinized under the e-mail based paperless assessment proceedings by giving their consent. However, in case of practical difficulties in submission of scanned copies of voluminous documents through e-mail, the documents could be received by the assessing officer in physical form after recording reasons for the same.
All the taxpayers of the aforesaid seven cities, whose cases are picked up for scrutiny, may convey their consent to their respective Assessing Officers in order to avail the facility of e-mail based paperless assessment proceedings.
All the taxpayers of the aforesaid seven cities, whose cases are picked up for scrutiny, may convey their consent to their respective Assessing Officers in order to avail the facility of e-mail based paperless assessment proceedings.