The Chemicals & Fertilisers Minister Shri Ananth Kumar has said that he expects the fertilizer plant at Talcher, Odisha will again be re-opened by the Prime Minister by 2019 as being proposed. He was speaking at a function where a Joint Ventures Agreement was signed in the presence Minster of State for Petroleum & Natural Gas (Independent Charge) Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State for Power, Coal and New and Renewable Energy (Independent Charge) Shri Piyush Goyal, and Shri Minister of State for Chemicals & Fertilizers Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, in New Delhi today. He said that Shri Ahir had proposed that similar coal gasification plants for urea production can also be thought of to be located at Gorakhpur, Sindri, Barauni, Ramagundam and other such places. Shri Kumar hoped that such revival packages should make the country surplus in fertilizers by 2019 and we should be able to export fertilizers.
Today's Joint Venture fructified after a meeting was held by all the Ministers present in today's function only a week back on 17th Dec.2014. It was decided at that meeting under the Chairmanship of the Shri Ananth Kumar to immediately go in for this joint venture and work towards opening of this fertilizer plant. Thereafter all the concerned Ministries quickly processed the required documents for signing of today's joint venture. The plant at Talcher when re-commissioned is expected to produce 1.3 MT of urea and other fertilizers besides giving several industrial by-products.
Today's Joint Venture fructified after a meeting was held by all the Ministers present in today's function only a week back on 17th Dec.2014. It was decided at that meeting under the Chairmanship of the Shri Ananth Kumar to immediately go in for this joint venture and work towards opening of this fertilizer plant. Thereafter all the concerned Ministries quickly processed the required documents for signing of today's joint venture. The plant at Talcher when re-commissioned is expected to produce 1.3 MT of urea and other fertilizers besides giving several industrial by-products.