Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) would induce Fertility among Male: Says Prof Manuela Simoni A Senior Researcher on the Subject at the India Science Congress
"One third of the infertility in the world is due to the male reproductive problems. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) can used to induce fertility in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and in male idiopathic infertility" said Prof Manuela Simoni of University of Moderna and Reggio Emillia, Italy addressing the session on Recent Advances in Male Reproduction as part of 103rd Indian Science Congress at University of Mysore. Prof. Manuela referring to her study in the field said that, "FSH treatment can improve male fertility in selected cases. Idiopathic infertility in male which is caused by DNA fragmentation can be treated by FSH treatment. We have recently reviewed the pharmacogenetic potential of FSH for male idiopathic infertility and the study shows that FSH treatment induces male fertility significantly" added Manuela.
Speaking on this occasion, Dr C V Rao, of Florida International University brought out insight into Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which is released from pituitary gland that is required for reproductive competence in both the genders. The LH stimulation therapy is an effective way of treating infertility" he said. Dr. C V Rao added that, LH can directly regulate male and female reproduction tract functions. Prof Vassilios Papadopoulos, Prof Dianne M Creasy, and Martin Culty were present. Prof P P Mathur chaired the session on the subject of recent advances in Male reproductivity.