A total number of 197 premium trains have been introduced by the Indian Railways. The total additional earnings on account of dynamic fare upto 27.11.2014 after introduction of premium trains have been Rs. 49.71 crore. Apart from this additional earning, the response received from passengers has been encouraging going by the occupancy levels of these trains.
The concept of premium train services on dynamic fare over and above the regular train services has been introduced with effect from 24.12.2013.The fare of premium special trains on dynamic pricing increases depending upon the demand and availability of accommodation. The base fare of these trains is the normal adult fare applicable for the trains plus the tatkal charges and the fare can increase based on demand intensity subject to a prescribed maximum limit. The dynamic fare of the premium trains increases proportionate to the increase in Actual Demand Intensity as compared to the Normal Demand Intensity.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
The concept of premium train services on dynamic fare over and above the regular train services has been introduced with effect from 24.12.2013.The fare of premium special trains on dynamic pricing increases depending upon the demand and availability of accommodation. The base fare of these trains is the normal adult fare applicable for the trains plus the tatkal charges and the fare can increase based on demand intensity subject to a prescribed maximum limit. The dynamic fare of the premium trains increases proportionate to the increase in Actual Demand Intensity as compared to the Normal Demand Intensity.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.