The Minister of State (I/C) for Petroleum & Natural Gas Shri Dharamendra Pradhan informed the Lok Sabha in a written reply that based on available geological and geophysical data, the prognosticated reserves of gas hydrates / methane hydrates is 1894 Trillion Cubic Meters for India.
Currently, there is no proposal for framing a national policy on methane hydrates as it is at a research and development stage.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG), Government of India formulated the National Gas Hydrates Programme (NGHP) in 2000. The program is aimed at facilitating research, sharing knowledge and scientific data besides keeping the Indian scientists abreast with international developments. MOP&NG / Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (have signed a number Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with various agencies over the years.
NGHP Expedition-01 was launched in 2006 to gather information on the presence of Gas Hydrates in Indian offshore areas of western, eastern and Andaman Sea. 21 cores were collected and 39 holes/ wells drilled which established presence of Gas Hydrates in KG and Mahanadi basins and Andaman deep waters in numerous complex geological settings. Under NGHP Expedition-02, 20 sand prone sites have been identified for logging while drilling; wire line logging; coring and drilling of 40 wells.
Currently, there is no proposal for framing a national policy on methane hydrates as it is at a research and development stage.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MOP&NG), Government of India formulated the National Gas Hydrates Programme (NGHP) in 2000. The program is aimed at facilitating research, sharing knowledge and scientific data besides keeping the Indian scientists abreast with international developments. MOP&NG / Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (have signed a number Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with various agencies over the years.
NGHP Expedition-01 was launched in 2006 to gather information on the presence of Gas Hydrates in Indian offshore areas of western, eastern and Andaman Sea. 21 cores were collected and 39 holes/ wells drilled which established presence of Gas Hydrates in KG and Mahanadi basins and Andaman deep waters in numerous complex geological settings. Under NGHP Expedition-02, 20 sand prone sites have been identified for logging while drilling; wire line logging; coring and drilling of 40 wells.