Pending Road Projects
During the last three years, 1427 road projects were sanctioned, 437 projects are running behind schedule, 101 projects are under dispute/arbitration, 1022 projects have been completed and 57 projects were terminated. 6300 km were targeted for construction during 2013-14 as well as 2014-15. Achievements during 2013-14 and 2014-15 are 4260 km and 4410 km respectively.
To expedite completion of these projects and attract private participation, various steps are taken which include streamlining of land acquisition and statutory clearances, award of projects after ensuring acquisition of land and obtain all regulatory approvals for the project to avoid post-bid delays and litigations, Exit for Equity Investors, Premium re-schedulement, securitization of road sector loans, mutual termination /cancellation of awarded road projects and re-bidding, close coordination with other Ministries, revamping of Dispute Resolution mechanism, harmonious substitution of concessionaire, getting Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to treat road sector loans as secured, frequent reviews at various levels etc. Apart from these steps, Government has decided to adopt new variants of PPP model like Hybrid Annuity Model to attract bidders for new projects
This information was given by Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Pon Radhakrishnan in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.