Rescinding of announcement for bye-election from 130-Palghar (ST) Assembly Constituency to fill vacancy in the Legislative Assembly of Maharashtra - Regarding.
The Commission had announced bye-election from 130-Palghar (ST) Assembly Constituency to fill vacancy in the Legislative Assembly of Maharashtra vide its Press Note No.ECI/PN/36/2015, dated 29th May, 2015. It has been brought to the Commission's notice that an Election Petition bearing No.EP/21/2014 is pending in Bombay Bench of High Court of Bombay in respect of the 130-Palghar (ST) Assembly Constituency.
In view of the above, the Commission hereby rescinds its announcement of bye-election from 130-Palghar (ST) Assembly Constituency in the Legislative Assembly of Maharashtra made vide its Press Note No. ECI/PN/36/2015, dated 29th May, 2015. Accordingly, no bye-election will be held from 130-Palghar (ST) Assembly Constituency for the time being.
Election Commission of India New Delhi ,2nd June, 2015 RM