The Minister of Railways Shri Suresh Prabhaka Prrabhu, a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) from Haryana, has identified Village- Nindana Khas in District Rohtak (Assembly Constituency Meham) for development as Adarsh Gram under the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana SAGY. Nindana Khas village has a population of more than 3300.
As per the guidelines of SAGY, every member of Parliament Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha will identify one gram panchayat of having population 3000 5000, to be developed by 2016.
As per the guidelines of SAGY, every member of Parliament Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha will identify one gram panchayat of having population 3000 5000, to be developed by 2016.