Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has described US President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as founders of the Islamic State.
"I made the statement before that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton -- these are the founders of ISIS. These are the founders of ISIS, because of bad judgment. These are the founders," said Trump in a speech to pastors in Orlando, Florida.
Not only his political opponents, but many from his own party and the mainstream media expressed their outrage at such a statement by Trump.
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But the billionaire from New York continued with his allegations, which has left many a political observers speechless, who believe that the election campaign in the US has never fallen so low.
Trump responded to these allegations at his election rallies in Florida.
"Some are saying, well, that's not very nice. That's nice. They said it about me, it'll be fine. I say something about them, it's terrible," he said.
"I said, they get the most valuable player award. ISIS is going to present them with the most valuable player award, you know, like in high school. Most valuable player," he said.
Trump said the US needs to be tough with the ISIS.
"We don't have tough. We need tough, with ISIS and all of the problems. We need tough. We need tough. And we need smart.
But we don't have that today, and we certainly won't have it if Hillary Clinton gets it. It'll be four more years of this nonsense that goes on," he said.
In a hard hitting editorial, The New York Times described Trump charges as false.
"Right now Mr Trump is losing, and this very likely terrifies him. Maybe he doesn't know how to control himself, or comprehend why he should. Or he is simply satisfying his boundless need for attention. But his behavior this week raises a more disturbing scenario. Perhaps he has given up on winning through civil means and does not care about the consequences of his campaign of incitement," the editorial said.
But Trump indicated he will not change his style of election campaigning and will win.
"I think we're going to win. I think we're going to do, well -- she's a very dishonest person. New e-mails have come out today. You heard about this whole deal. Now the FBI, it seems, is very upset because they made a recommendation to Justice, and Justice turned down the recommendations. What's going on now has never been seen," he said.