Business Standard

Catalonia, Spain and the economic consequences of a split

Although Catalonia has 16% of the Spanish population, it generates 19% of Spain's GDP and 25% of its exports

People with Catalan flags gather during a rally in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo: AP| PTI)

People with Catalan flags gather during a rally in Barcelona, Spain. (Photo: AP| PTI)

Mireia Jofre-Bonet & Albert Banal-Estanol | The Conversation
The prospect of Catalonia seceding from Spain has never looked closer. Following a messy referendum vote on the matter (which the Spanish government refused to recognise but sent police in to prevent from taking place) and a series of protests, there seems to be a real possibility of a split taking place. But what might the economic consequences be?
In terms of size and population, Catalonia is comparable to several European countries, such as Switzerland. Although it has 16% of the Spanish population, it generates 19% of Spain’s GDP

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