Business Standard

Wednesday, February 05, 2025 | 10:37 PM ISTEN Hindi

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China racing for AI military edge over US, says report

A report by a US-based think-tank says China's military might leverage its country's rapid advances in artificial intelligence to modernise its armed forces

artificial intelligence, AI, technology

Photo: Reuters

Reuters Washington
A research arm of the US intelligence community just wrapped up a competition to see who could develop the best facial recognition technology. The challenge: Identify as many passengers as possible walking on an aircraft boarding ramp.

Of all the entries, it was a Chinese start-up company called Yitu Tech that walked away with the $25,000 prize this month, the highest of three cash awards.

The competition was one of many examples cited in a report by a US-based think-tank about how China’s military might leverage its country’s rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI) to modernise its armed forces and,

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