Dublin is the best destination in the European Union for London-based bankers forced to move after Brexit, according to an index of 15 cities compiled by a relocation company.
Though Ireland tied for the highest top income tax rate, at 52 percent, it benefits from being the only other English-speaking destination in the EU and the cost of renting a flat in Dublin is markedly cheaper than in Paris, Frankfurt or Luxembourg, Movinga said on its website. Amsterdam is the next-best destination for Brexit exiles, while Frankfurt languished in sixth place and Paris in ninth, below Valletta in Malta
Though Ireland tied for the highest top income tax rate, at 52 percent, it benefits from being the only other English-speaking destination in the EU and the cost of renting a flat in Dublin is markedly cheaper than in Paris, Frankfurt or Luxembourg, Movinga said on its website. Amsterdam is the next-best destination for Brexit exiles, while Frankfurt languished in sixth place and Paris in ninth, below Valletta in Malta