Unidentified men threw a grenade into a labourers’ hostel in the Pakistani port of Gwadar wounding 26 of them, police said on Friday, in an attack likely to raise concern about security for the Pakistani section of China’s “Belt and Road” initiative.
There was no claim of responsibility for the attack, one of three on Thursday in the gas-rich south-western province of Baluchistan, a key section of the plan for energy and transport links connecting western China with the Middle East and Europe.
“They labourers were having dinner at the hostel when motorcyclists attacked them with a grenade,”
There was no claim of responsibility for the attack, one of three on Thursday in the gas-rich south-western province of Baluchistan, a key section of the plan for energy and transport links connecting western China with the Middle East and Europe.
“They labourers were having dinner at the hostel when motorcyclists attacked them with a grenade,”