Apple has more than $150 billion in the bank, eclipsing the combined cash reserves of Israel and Britain. Google, Intel and Adobe have a total of about $80 billion stored up for a rainy day.
Against such tremendous cash hoards, $324 million is chump change. But that is what the four technology companies have agreed to pay to settle a class action brought by their own employees.
The suit, which was on track to go to trial in San Jose, California, at the end of May, promised weeks if not months of damaging revelations about how Silicon Valley executives conspired to suppress wages and limit competition. Details of the settlement are still under wraps.
Michael Devine, a 46-year-old freelance programmer who is one of the four plaintiffs named in the suit, thinks the companies are getting off far too lightly. In a very rare form of protest, he sent a letter this weekend to the judge in the case, Lucy H Koh of United States District Court for the Northern District of California, asking her to reject the deal that his own lawyers negotiated.
"The class wants a chance at real justice," he wrote. "We want our day in court."
He noted that the settlement amount was about one-tenth of the estimated $3 billion lost in compensation by the 64,000 class members. In a successful trial, antitrust laws would triple that sum.
"As an analogy," Devine wrote, "if a shoplifter is caught on video stealing a $400 iPad from the Apple Store, would a fair and just resolution be for the shoplifter to pay Apple $40, keep the iPad, and walk away with no record or admission of wrongdoing? Of course not."
The settlement would greatly benefit the companies, by making an embarrassing case disappear. And it would benefit the plaintiffs' lawyers, the firms Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein and Joseph Saveri Law Firm, with as much as $75 million in fees. But it would give the class members a few thousand dollars each, if that.
In a typical court case, a plaintiff who disagrees with his lawyers can fire them. But a plaintiff in a class action, even one whose name is on the suit, has fewer options. Legal experts said many of the members of the class would need to rise up in support of Devine to give him even a hope of succeeding.
While that might be unlikely, this case has been confounding expectations from the beginning. The original suits took on some of the most admired companies and executives in the country, including Apple and Steven P Jobs, on behalf of workers who did not appear oppressed. The cases seemed destined to go nowhere, much less be combined into a powerful class action.
"If the other class members join me in opposition, I believe we will be successful in convincing the court to give us our due process," Devine said in an interview on Sunday. He has set up a website, Tech Worker Justice, and is looking for legal representation. Any challenge will take many months. The other three class representatives could not be reached for comment over the weekend.
Daniel Crane, an expert on antitrust law at the University of Michigan who has been following the case closely, said "it is a strange situation" for a class representative to reject a deal worked out by his own lawyers.
"However," Crane added, "judges will not necessarily give greater weight to the objection of a class representative than to an objection by any other member of the class."
The ability to opt out or object to a class-action settlement is seen by the courts as a crucial "market check" in a proceeding where the majority of plaintiffs will never meet the lawyers representing them.
"Courts frequently look to the number of opt-outs or objections as bearing on both the fairness of the settlement and the appropriate fee to be awarded to counsel," Theodore Eisenberg and Geoffrey P Miller wrote in a 2004 survey of class-action disgruntlement.
In practice, however, dissents are rare. After examining several thousand cases, Eisenberg and Miller found that formal protests were made about 1 per cent of the time.
The big battle in the hiring case was over class certification, which was granted last October. After that, a settlement was probably inevitable.
"There was such embarrassing evidence about the pacts being orchestrated from the very top, and there was such hubris from Jobs and the other chief executives," including Eric E. Schmidt of Google and Paul S. Otellini of Intel, said Orly Lobel, a professor of employment law at the University of San Diego. "It would have been very unpleasant for the companies to reopen all those emails in court."
So why settle for comparatively little?
"The lawyers wanted a quick and certain result," Ms. Lobel said. "But the companies won't feel it at all."
Mr. Devine said he told his lawyers that he found the settlement inadequate as it was being negotiated, but they ignored him. Lawyers in the case declined to comment on Sunday. The four defendants either declined to comment or did not respond to messages.
Mr. Devine, who is based in Seattle, worked at Adobe as a senior computer scientist from 2006 to 2008. He read an article about one of the initial cases filed against the companies, and quickly filed his own. "I was outraged," he said.
When the cases were combined into the class action, he became a class representative.
As a class representative, he is eligible for an incentive award for the time and effort he put into the case. His lawyers have asked the court to approve a $20,000 payment for each representative from settlements reached last year against three other defendants in the suit - Lucasfilm, Pixar and Intuit. A similar payment might be forthcoming from the settlement with Apple, Google, Intel and Adobe. Even if the case went to trial and the plaintiffs got the full $9 billion, he would not get much more.
Against that modest sum, put a lifetime of raised eyebrows by potential employers, who might worry that they somehow could be sued by Mr. Devine.
"He has a strong heart for justice," said Becky Clifford, a former girlfriend. "A few years ago, he was driving down the highway and he saw someone who looked like he was going to jump from a bridge. Most people would have kept on driving, but Michael called the cops, who got to the man in time."
In one way, Mr. Devine's timing is good. The tech companies are coming under increasing scrutiny these days by activists and communities. That might make it easier for his protest to pick up support.
"The tech industry is ethically challenged," Mr. Devine said. "Customers and the government don't fully understand technology and therefore don't know when the law is broken. I'm attracted to the industry for the opportunities for innovation but repulsed by the ease with which folks can cheat and get away with it."
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